Thursday, August 19, 2010


I think I see now why I've been thinking about getting back to the many local efforts I was doing a few years ago. I've been following John Michael Greer's "Green Wizardry" course, and he has been blogging about compost and gardening as a key part of the Green Wizardry training. 

Another thing that I started back then, and have kept up with, is my worm bin. I bought it the same day I bought the rabbit.  The rabbit is gone, and I'm on my second pound of worms, but they made it through the winter and are doing fine.  My first pound died, mostly because I stopped paying attention to them, and stopped feeding them, and they ran out of reasons to go on.  That was last year.  This year, I opened up the worm bin to "harvest" some worm castings ( I was told this was key to keeping your worms going), and discovered I had a lot of worms in there.  I had been looking but couldn't see them because the light bulb burned out in the garage!  But they are thriving and doing well on weekly food scraps, and every so often adding some more newspaper strips (I hadn't been doing that the first time around either).  I also went to a Vermiculture class at NOFA, and learned a lot about them there. 

Someone even mentioned that if things get really bad, she had a whole book of recipes for cooking with worms....ich!

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